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Extract from the Register of European Patents

EP About this file: EP0728827

EP0728827 - Polymers with distyrylbenzene repeating units and their use [Right-click to bookmark this link]
StatusThe application has been withdrawn
Status updated on  17.07.1998
Database last updated on 18.01.2025
Most recent event   Tooltip17.07.1998Withdrawal of applicationpublished on 02.09.1998 [1998/36]
Applicant(s)For all designated states
51368 Leverkusen / DE
Inventor(s)01 / Wehrmann, Rolf, Dr.
Scheiblerstr. 81
D-47800 Krefeld / DE
02 / Dujardin, Ralf, Dr.
Hochheideweg 35
D-47877 Willich / DE
03 / Elschner, Andreas, Dr.
Lederstr. 6
D-45479 Mülheim / DE
Application number, filing date96101882.709.02.1996
Priority number, dateDE199510604322.02.1995         Original published format: DE 19506043
Filing languageDE
Procedural languageDE
PublicationType: A1 Application with search report 
Search report(s)(Supplementary) European search report - dispatched on:EP05.06.1996
ClassificationIPC:C09K11/06, C08G65/40, C08G63/547, C08G64/04, C08G18/67
C09K11/06 (EP); C08G63/547 (EP); C08G64/045 (EP);
C08G65/4006 (EP); C08G75/23 (EP)
Designated contracting statesBE,   DE,   FR,   GB,   IT,   NL [1996/35]
TitleGerman:Polymere mit Distyrylbenzoleinheiten und deren Verwendung[1996/35]
English:Polymers with distyrylbenzene repeating units and their use[1996/35]
French:Polymères ayant des unités de distyrylbenzène et leur utilisation[1996/35]
Examination procedure15.01.1997Examination requested  [1997/11]
10.02.1998Despatch of a communication from the examining division (Time limit: M06)
07.07.1998Application withdrawn by applicant  [1998/36]
Fees paidRenewal fee
02.03.1998Renewal fee patent year 03
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