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EP98101842 JP1580798

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TypeType Patent family member
Publication No. DateType
JPH10281870Global Dossier 23.10.1998A
Priority number Date
JP1580798 28.01.1998
JP2117297 04.02.1997
TypeType Equivalent
Publication No. DateType
EP0856989Global Dossier 18.04.2001A3
EP0856989 05.08.1998A2
Priority number Date
JP2117297 04.02.1997
TypeType Equivalent
Publication No. DateType
KR100463859B 29.06.2005B1
KR19980071065 26.10.1998A
Priority number Date
JP2117297 04.02.1997
TypeType Equivalent
Publication No. DateType
TW390096B 11.05.2000B
Priority number Date
JP2117297 04.02.1997
TypeType Equivalent
Publication No. DateType
US6469740 22.10.2002B1
Priority number Date
JP2117297 04.02.1997