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Extract from the Register of European Patents

EP About this file: EP0867574

EP0867574 - Free office partition system [Right-click to bookmark this link]
StatusThe application is deemed to be withdrawn
Status updated on  04.04.2003
Database last updated on 01.01.2025
Most recent event   Tooltip04.04.2003Application deemed to be withdrawnpublished on 21.05.2003  [2003/21]
Applicant(s)For all designated states
Steelcase Inc.
901-44th Street S.E., Box 1967
Grand Rapids, MI 49501-1967 / US
Former [1998/40]For all designated states
Steelcase Inc.
901-44th Street S.E., Box 1967
Grand Rapids, MI 49501-1967 / US
Inventor(s)01 / Sieber, Charles A.
144 Burns Avenue, Atherton
California 94027 / US
02 / Shaw, Benjamin G.
510 Dexter Street, Denver
Colorado 80220 / US
03 / Lada, Christopher O.
2311 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto
California 94301 / US
04 / Hobson, Phillip M.
383 Mundell Way, Los Alto
California 94022 / US
05 / Poppe, Robert P.
7601 Woodvale, S.E., Grand Rapids
Michigan 49546 / US
06 / Shipman, David A.
139 Prospect, N.E., Grand Rapids
Michigan 49503 / US
07 / Luchetti, Robert J.
5 Cleveland Street, Cambridge
Massachusetts 02138 / US
08 / Draudt, Gregg R.
138 Crescent Street, Stow
Massachusetts 01775 / US
09 / Eldon, James B. III
68 Bull Road, Barto
Pennsylvania 19504 / US
10 / McClanahan, David D.
871 Old Sumneytown Pike
Harleysville, Pennsylvania 19438 / US
Representative(s)Roberts, Gwilym Vaughan, et al
Kilburn & Strode LLP
Lacon London
84 Theobalds Road
London WC1X 8NL / GB
Former [1998/40]Roberts, Gwilym Vaughan, et al
KILBURN & STRODE, 20 Red Lion Street
London WC1R 4PJ / GB
Application number, filing date98201794.926.12.1995
Priority number, dateUS1994036780230.12.1994         Original published format: US 367802
Filing languageEN
Procedural languageEN
PublicationType: A2 Application without search report 
Type: A3 Search report 
Search report(s)(Supplementary) European search report - dispatched on:EP30.06.2000
ClassificationIPC:E04C2/52, E04H1/06, E04B2/74
E04B2/7424 (EP,US); A47B57/425 (EP,US); A47B96/04 (EP,US);
A47B96/06 (EP,US); E04B2/7425 (EP,US); E04B2/7433 (EP,US);
E04B2/7448 (EP,US); E04B2/7453 (EP,US); E04B2/7455 (EP,US);
E04F11/00 (EP,US); E06B3/5045 (EP,US); E04B2002/7461 (EP,US);
E04B2002/7462 (EP,US); E04B2002/7466 (EP,US); E04B2002/747 (EP,US);
E04B2002/7483 (EP,US); E04B2002/7487 (EP,US); E04B2002/749 (EP,US);
Y10S52/13 (EP,US); Y10T403/557 (EP,US); Y10T403/591 (EP,US) (-)
Former IPC [1998/40]E04B2/74
Designated contracting statesDE,   ES,   FR,   GB,   IT [1998/40]
Extension statesLTNot yet paid
LVNot yet paid
SINot yet paid
TitleGerman:Trennwandsystem für Grossraumbüros[1998/40]
English:Free office partition system[1998/40]
French:Système de cloisons pour bureaux ouverts[1998/40]
Examination procedure07.02.2001Examination requested  [2001/14]
09.04.2002Despatch of a communication from the examining division (Time limit: M06)
22.10.2002Application deemed to be withdrawn, date of legal effect  [2003/21]
03.12.2002Despatch of communication that the application is deemed to be withdrawn, reason: reply to the communication from the examining division not received in time  [2003/21]
Parent application(s)   TooltipEP95944656.8  / EP0800604
Fees paidRenewal fee
18.06.1998Renewal fee patent year 03
25.01.1999Renewal fee patent year 04
09.12.1999Renewal fee patent year 05
13.12.2000Renewal fee patent year 06
13.12.2001Renewal fee patent year 07
12.12.2002Renewal fee patent year 08
Penalty fee
Additional fee for renewal fee
31.12.199804   M06   Fee paid on   25.01.1999
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Documents cited:Search[XAY]US5062246  (SYKES CHRISTOPHER C [CA]) [X] 4,16-21,24,26-28,31-33,41 * column A * * figures 1-3,6A,6B * [A] 34-39,41-60 [Y] 1,3,6,7;
 [XAY]US5134826  (LA ROCHE ROBERT [CA], et al) [X] 2 * column A * * figures 1-10 * [A] 16-20,25-33,36-54 [Y] 3;
 [Y]NL7513200  ;
 [Y]AU581818B  (RICHARD HOWARD) [Y] 7-12 * the whole document *;
 [YA]US4942713  (JACKSON FRANCIS G [US]) [Y] 7-12 * column A; figures 1-8 * [A] 20,25-30;
 [YA]US5177917  (DEL CASTILLO VON HAUCKE JUAN M [MX]) [Y] 13-16,41 * column A; figure 1 * [A] 17-40,42,43;
 [YA]GB2212186  (ENVIRONMENTAL PANELLING SYST [ZA]) [Y] 13-16,41 * abstract * [A] 17-40,42,43;
 [AD]US4429934  (VANDENHOEK HAROLD L [US], et al) [AD] 1-28,31-34,41 * column A; figures 1-10 *;
 [AD]US4060294  (HAWORTH RICHARD G, et al) [AD] 1-28,31-35,41 * column A; figures 1-6 *
 [Y]  - DATABASE WPI, 2, Derwent World Patents Index, vol. 1976, no. 22, Database accession no. 1976-F0409X, XP002139570 & NL7513200 A 19760514 (SKANDINAVISKA ALUMINIUM PROFILER AB) [Y] 1,6 * abstract *
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