Extract from the Register of European Patents

EP Citations: EP0908600

Cited inSearch
Type:Patent literature
Publication No.:US5644076  [X]
 (CHIN WILSON C ET AL) [X] 1 * column 2, lines 36-60 * * column 3, line 59 - column 4, line 19 * * column 8, lines 10-39 * * column 8, lines 60-65; figures 2-9 *;
Type:Patent literature
Publication No.:US5130705  [XY]
 (ALLEN JAMES R ET AL) [X] 1 * column 2, lines 25-35; figures 1-3 * * column 3, line 60 - column 4, line 15 * [Y] 2,3;
Type:Patent literature
Publication No.:US4125163  [Y]
 (FITZPATRICK DOUG) [Y] 2,3 * column 3, line 55 - column 4, line 20; figures 1,2,4-7 * * column 5, lines 8-39 *;
Type:Patent literature
Publication No.:US4893505  [X]
 (MARSDEN MICHAEL J ET AL) [X] 1 * column 2, lines 3-10; figures 1,2,4,5 * * column 6, lines 45-65 *;
Type:Patent literature
Publication No.:US5473939  [X]
 (LEDER JOHN L ET AL) [X] 1 * column 14, line 64 - column 15, line 5; figures 1-3 * * column 19, lines 14-30 * * column 21, lines 24-35; claim 2 *;
Type:Patent literature
Publication No.:EP0697502  [Y]
 (SCHLUMBERGER SERVICES PETROL ;SCHLUMBERGER TECHNOLOGY BV (NL); SCH) [Y] 7-10 * column 4, line 31 - column 5, line 11 *;
Type:Patent literature
Publication No.:US5166908  [A]
 (MONTGOMERY MELVIN) [A] 1 * column 12, line 49 - column 13, line 5; figures 17,18 *
Type:Non-patent literature
Publication information:[XY]  - MDT Modular Formation Dynamics Tester, HOUSTON, SCHLUMBERGER EDUCATIONAL SERVICES, (199211), XP002150355 [X] 1,6 * figures 7,11-13 * [Y] 7-10
Type:Non-patent literature
Publication information:[A]  - M. WANNELL, N. COLLEY, F. HALFORD, "The Use of a New Technique to Determine Permeability Anisotropy", SPE26801, Aberdeen, (19930907), pages 489 - 495, XP002150665 [A] 7-10 * the whole document *