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Extract from the Register of European Patents

EP About this file: EP0944159

EP0944159 - DC-DC converter [Right-click to bookmark this link]
StatusNo opposition filed within time limit
Status updated on  27.04.2007
Database last updated on 01.02.2025
Most recent event   Tooltip27.04.2007No opposition filed within time limitpublished on 30.05.2007  [2007/22]
Applicant(s)For all designated states
Micronas GmbH
Hans-Bunte-Strasse 19
79108 Freiburg i. Br. / DE
Former [2000/27]For all designated states
Micronas GmbH
Hans-Bunte-Strasse 19
79108 Freiburg / DE
Former [1999/38]For all designated states
Micronas Intermetall GmbH
Hans-Bunte-Strasse 19
79108 Freiburg / DE
Inventor(s)01 / Greitschus, Norbert Dr.-Ing.
Kenzingerstrasse 32
79346 Endingen / DE
Former [1999/38]01 / Greitschus, Norbert Dr.-Ing.
Rosenstrasse 2
79108 Freiburg / DE
Representative(s)Hornig, Leonore
MICRONAS GmbH, Patentabteilung, Hans-Bunte-Strasse 19
79108 Freiburg / DE
Former [1999/38]Hornig, Leonore, Dr.
MICRONAS INTERMETALL GmbH, Patentabteilung, Hans-Bunte-Strasse 19
79108 Freiburg / DE
Application number, filing date99105437.017.03.1999
Priority number, dateDE199811229920.03.1998         Original published format: DE 19812299
Filing languageDE
Procedural languageDE
PublicationType: A2 Application without search report 
Type: A3 Search report 
Type: B1 Patent specification 
Search report(s)(Supplementary) European search report - dispatched on:EP10.04.2003
ClassificationIPC:H02M3/156, G01R19/00, G05F1/46
H02M3/156 (EP,US); H02M1/0025 (EP,US)
Former IPC [1999/38]H02M3/156
Designated contracting statesDE,   FR,   GB,   IT,   NL [2004/08]
Former [1999/38]AT,  BE,  CH,  CY,  DE,  DK,  ES,  FI,  FR,  GB,  GR,  IE,  IT,  LI,  LU,  MC,  NL,  PT,  SE 
English:DC-DC converter[1999/38]
French:Convertisseur de courant continu[1999/38]
Examination procedure28.11.2003Examination requested  [2004/05]
19.05.2004Despatch of a communication from the examining division (Time limit: M06)
23.11.2004Reply to a communication from the examining division
03.11.2005Fee for grant paid
03.11.2005Fee for publishing/printing paid
27.12.2005Communication of intention to grant the patent
Opposition(s)22.03.2007No opposition filed within time limit [2007/22]
Fees paidRenewal fee
02.04.2001Renewal fee patent year 03
02.04.2002Renewal fee patent year 04
31.03.2003Renewal fee patent year 05
31.03.2004Renewal fee patent year 06
31.03.2005Renewal fee patent year 07
29.03.2006Renewal fee patent year 08
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Documents cited:Search[Y]US5723974  (GRAY RICHARD L [US]) [Y] 1-4,9-11 * abstract * * figure - *;
 [Y]EP0451870  (OKI MICRO DESIGN MIYAZAKI CO L [JP], et al) [Y] 1-4,9-11 * abstract * * figures 1-3 *;
 [A]US5646520  (FRANK RICHARD [US], et al) [A] 1-7 * the whole document *
The EPO accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of data originating from other authorities; in particular, it does not guarantee that it is complete, up to date or fit for specific purposes.