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New version of the European Patent Register – SPC proceedings information in the Unitary Patent Register.


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Extract from the Register of European Patents

EP About this file: EP0940838

EP0940838 - In situ removal of contaminants from the interior surfaces of an ion beam implanter [Right-click to bookmark this link]
StatusNo opposition filed within time limit
Status updated on  30.03.2007
Database last updated on 21.01.2025
Most recent event   Tooltip23.10.2009Change - representativepublished on 25.11.2009  [2009/48]
Applicant(s)For all designated states
Axcelis Technologies, Inc.
55 Cherry Hill Drive
Beverly, MA 01915-1053 / US
Former [2000/33]For all designated states
Axcelis Technologies, Inc.
55 Cherry Hill Drive
Beverly, MA 01915 / US
Former [1999/36]For all designated states
Eaton Center, 1111 Superior Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio 44114-2584 / US
Inventor(s)01 / Blake, Julian Gaskill
211 Hart Street
Beverly Farms, Massachusetts 01915 / US
Representative(s)Burke, Steven David, et al
R.G.C. Jenkins & Co 26 Caxton Street
London SW1H 0RJ / GB
Former [1999/36]Burke, Steven David, et al
R.G.C. Jenkins & Co. 26 Caxton Street
London SW1H 0RH / GB
Application number, filing date99201060.303.06.1996
Priority number, dateUS1995050329917.07.1995         Original published format: US 503299
Filing languageEN
Procedural languageEN
PublicationType: A2 Application without search report 
Type: A3 Search report 
Type: B1 Patent specification 
Search report(s)(Supplementary) European search report - dispatched on:EP14.11.2002
H01J37/3002 (EP,US); H01J37/3171 (KR); H01J37/304 (KR);
H01L21/02041 (KR); H01L21/67028 (KR); H01J2237/0041 (EP,US);
H01J2237/022 (EP,US); H01J2237/31701 (EP,US); H01J2237/31705 (KR) (-)
Former IPC [1999/36]H01J37/317, H01J37/30
Designated contracting statesDE,   ES,   FR,   GB,   IT,   SE [1999/36]
Extension statesALNot yet paid
LTNot yet paid
LVNot yet paid
SINot yet paid
TitleGerman:In-situ-Entfernen von Kontaminationsstoffen von den Innenoberflächen eines Ionen-Implantierungsgerät[2005/42]
English:In situ removal of contaminants from the interior surfaces of an ion beam implanter[1999/36]
French:Enlèvement in situ de contaminants sur les surfaces internes d'un implanteur ionique[1999/36]
Former [1999/36]In situ Entfernen von Kontaminationsstoffe von den innen Oberflächen eines Ionen-Implantierungsgerät
Examination procedure25.03.2003Examination requested  [2003/21]
11.12.2003Despatch of a communication from the examining division (Time limit: M04)
21.04.2004Reply to a communication from the examining division
05.10.2005Communication of intention to grant the patent
13.02.2006Fee for grant paid
13.02.2006Fee for publishing/printing paid
Parent application(s)   TooltipEP96303992.0  / EP0757373
Opposition(s)15.01.2007No opposition filed within time limit [2007/18]
Fees paidRenewal fee
29.04.1999Renewal fee patent year 03
29.04.1999Renewal fee patent year 04
05.06.2000Renewal fee patent year 05
05.06.2001Renewal fee patent year 06
07.06.2002Renewal fee patent year 07
04.06.2003Renewal fee patent year 08
04.06.2004Renewal fee patent year 09
06.06.2005Renewal fee patent year 10
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Lapses during opposition  TooltipSE12.07.2006
Former [2006/49]SE12.07.2006
Documents cited:Search[Y]JPH02155147  ;
 [A]JPS6120321  ;
 [Y]US4665315  (BACCHETTI LAWRENCE F [US], et al) [Y] 1,4 * column A; figure - *;
 [A]US4693760  (SIOSHANSI PIRAN [US]) [A] 1,5 * column 5, line 16 - column 6, line 24; figure 6 *;
 [A]EP0474108  (TOSHIBA KK [JP]) [A] 1,5 * column 2, line 2 - column 3, line 20; figure - *;
 [A]US5312519  (SAKAI ITSUKO [JP], et al) [A] 1,4* column A; figure - *
 [Y]  - PATENT ABSTRACTS OF JAPAN, (19900905), vol. 014, no. 411, Database accession no. (E - 0973), & JP02155147 A 19900614 (TOKYO ELECTRON LTD) [Y] 1,4 * abstract *
 [A]  - PATENT ABSTRACTS OF JAPAN, (19860614), vol. 010, no. 168, Database accession no. (E - 411), & JP61020321 A 19860129 (FUJITSU KK) [A] 1,4 * abstract *
The EPO accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of data originating from other authorities; in particular, it does not guarantee that it is complete, up to date or fit for specific purposes.