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Extract from the Register of European Patents

EP About this file: EP0973274

EP0973274 - Satellite communication system with larger effective gateway coverage area [Right-click to bookmark this link]
StatusThe application is deemed to be withdrawn
Status updated on  22.11.2002
Database last updated on 20.12.2024
Most recent event   Tooltip22.11.2002Application deemed to be withdrawnpublished on 08.01.2003  [2003/02]
Applicant(s)For all designated states
Globalstar L.P.
3200 Zanker Road San Jose
California 95134 / US
Former [2000/03]For all designated states
Globalstar L.P.
3200 Zanker Road
San Jose, California 95134 / US
Inventor(s)01 / Wiedeman, Robert A
1735 Mora Court
Los Altos, California 94074 / US
02 / Monte, Paul A
358 Spar Avenue
San Jose, California 95117 / US
Representative(s)Ertl, Nicholas Justin, et al
Elkington and Fife LLP
Prospect House
8 Pembroke Road
Kent TN13 1XR / GB
Former [2000/52]Ertl, Nicholas Justin, et al
Elkington and Fife, Prospect House, 8 Pembroke Road
Sevenoaks, Kent TN13 1XR / GB
Former [2000/03]Finnie, Peter John
Elkington and Fife, Prospect House, 8 Pembroke Road
Sevenoaks, Kent TN13 1XR / GB
Application number, filing date99304681.216.06.1999
Priority number, dateUS1998011498514.07.1998         Original published format: US 114985
Filing languageEN
Procedural languageEN
PublicationType: A2 Application without search report 
Type: A3 Search report 
Search report(s)(Supplementary) European search report - dispatched on:EP06.08.2001
H04B7/1856 (EP,US)
Designated contracting statesDE,   FI,   FR,   GB,   IT,   SE [2002/23]
Former [2000/03]AT,  BE,  CH,  CY,  DE,  DK,  ES,  FI,  FR,  GB,  GR,  IE,  IT,  LI,  LU,  MC,  NL,  PT,  SE 
TitleGerman:Satelliten Kommunikationsanordnung mit einer grösseren effektiven Bedeckungsfläsche der Schnittstellenstationen[2000/03]
English:Satellite communication system with larger effective gateway coverage area[2000/03]
French:Système de communication par satellite avec une surface de couverture effective des stations interfaces plus grande[2000/03]
Examination procedure20.03.2002Application deemed to be withdrawn, date of legal effect  [2003/02]
07.08.2002Despatch of communication that the application is deemed to be withdrawn, reason: examination fee not paid in time  [2003/02]
Fees paidRenewal fee
06.06.2001Renewal fee patent year 03
24.06.2002Renewal fee patent year 04
Penalty fee
Penalty fee Rule 85b EPC 1973
22.05.2002M01   Not yet paid
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Documents cited:Search[A]EP0849890  (GLOBALSTAR LP [US]) [A] 1,8,15,18 * column 4, line 41 - column 5, line 4 * * column 8, line 23 - line 58 * * figure 1 *;
 [A]EP0536033  (ALCATEL ESPACE [FR]) [A] 1,8,15,18 * column 6, line 54 *;
 [A]US5537679  (CROSBIE JEFFREY S [US], et al) [A] 1,8,15,18 * column 5, line 6 - column 6, line 65 *
The EPO accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of data originating from other authorities; in particular, it does not guarantee that it is complete, up to date or fit for specific purposes.