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New version of the European Patent Register – SPC proceedings information in the Unitary Patent Register.


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Extract from the Register of European Patents

EP About this file: EP0972929

EP0972929 - Gas jet masking ejection nozzle for turbojet [Right-click to bookmark this link]
StatusNo opposition filed within time limit
Status updated on  28.10.2005
Database last updated on 11.01.2025
Most recent event   Tooltip28.10.2005No opposition filed within time limitpublished on 14.12.2005  [2005/50]
Applicant(s)For all designated states
2, boulevard du Général Martial Valin
75015 Paris / FR
Former [2005/38]For all designated states
2 boulevard du Général Martial Valin
75015 Paris / FR
Former [2004/51]For all designated states
Snecma Moteurs
2, Boulevard du Général Martial Valin
75015 Paris / FR
Former [2000/03]For all designated states
2, Boulevard du Général Martial Valin
75015 Paris / FR
Inventor(s)01 / Bouiller, Philippe Pierre Vincent
60 rue de Montmélian
77210 Samoreau / FR
02 / Kettler, Daniel
3 le Moulin à Vent
77590 Chartrettes / FR
03 / Bourquin, Pierre-Yves
131 Avenue Daumesnil
75012 Paris / FR
04 / Ruis, Jean-Pierre
431 Allée M. de Sévigné, Domaine Chateau des Dames
77820 le Chatelet en Brie / FR
Former [2000/03]01 / Bouiller, Philippe Pierre Vincent
60 rue de Montmélian
77210 Samoreau / FR
02 / Kettler, Daniel
3 le Moulin à Vent
77590 Chartrettes / FR
03 / Bourquin, Pierre-Yves
131 Avenue Daumesnil
75012 Paris / FR
04 / Ruis, Jean-Pierre
431 Allée Marquise de Sévigné, Dom. du Ch. des Da.
77820 le Chatelet en Brie / FR
Application number, filing date99401708.508.07.1999
Priority number, dateFR1998000912917.07.1998         Original published format: FR 9809129
Filing languageFR
Procedural languageFR
PublicationType: A1 Application with search report 
Type: B1 Patent specification 
Search report(s)(Supplementary) European search report - dispatched on:EP17.11.1999
ClassificationIPC:F02K1/12, F02K1/11, F02K1/82
F02K1/825 (EP,US); F02K1/11 (EP,US)
Designated contracting statesDE,   FR,   GB [2000/40]
Former [2000/03]AT,  BE,  CH,  CY,  DE,  DK,  ES,  FI,  FR,  GB,  GR,  IE,  IT,  LI,  LU,  MC,  NL,  PT,  SE 
TitleGerman:Strahltriebdüse mit Vorrichtung zur Maskierung des Gasstrahls[2000/03]
English:Gas jet masking ejection nozzle for turbojet[2000/03]
French:Tuyère d'éjection de turboréacteur à masquage du jet de gaz[2000/03]
Examination procedure20.07.1999Examination requested  [2000/03]
29.01.2004Communication of intention to grant the patent
09.02.2004Fee for grant paid
09.02.2004Fee for publishing/printing paid
Opposition(s)23.09.2005No opposition filed within time limit [2005/50]
Fees paidRenewal fee
18.06.2001Renewal fee patent year 03
15.06.2002Renewal fee patent year 04
20.06.2003Renewal fee patent year 05
28.07.2004Renewal fee patent year 06
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Documents cited:Search[X]US4993641  (KEHRET DEBORA F [US], et al) [X] 1,2 * figures 1,4-6 *;
 [Y]FR1479351  (UNITED AIRCRAFT CORP) [Y] 1,2 * figures 2,4,9 *;
 [Y]US4312480  (MILLER ROBERT C) [Y] 1,2 * abstract *;
 [Y]US4641782  (WOODWARD CLIFFORD S [GB]) [Y] 1 * abstract *;
 [Y]EP0646720  (GEN ELECTRIC [US]) [Y] 1 * abstract *;
 [A]US3981143  (ROSS THOMAS D, et al) [A] 1 * abstract *
The EPO accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of data originating from other authorities; in particular, it does not guarantee that it is complete, up to date or fit for specific purposes.