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EP Citations: EP3348587

Cité dansRecherche
Type:Littérature brevet
N° de publication:JPS6239563  [XI]
Type:Littérature brevet
N° de publication:US2016053059  [A]
 (KIM JIN YOUNG [KR], et al) [A] 10,12-14 * claims 1,2,7-10,13 * * examples 1-2; tables 1-3 * * paragraphs [0102] - [0104] *;
Type:Littérature brevet
N° de publication:EP3059257  [A]
 (LG CHEMICAL LTD [KR]) [A] 10-14 * claims 1-3,8-13,15-16 * * examples 1-2; tables 1-5 * * comparative examples 1, 4 ** paragraphs [0006] , [0105] - [0107] *;
Type:Littérature non-brevet
Information sur la publication:[XI]  - DATABASE WPI, 0, Derwent World Patents Index, vol. 1987, no. 13, Database accession no. 1987-089883, XP002787826 & JPS6239563 A 19870220 (HOKKO CHEM IND CO LTD & UBE IND LTD) [X] 1,2,5 * table 1, compound 239 * * page 10, right-hand column , chemical equation (2) * * examples 2-4; claim 1 * [I] 3,4,6-9
Type:Littérature non-brevet
Information sur la publication:[A]  - ROSENBERG ET AL, "Reactivity of 2-furylethylenes with nucleophylic groups and its biological signifiance", COLLECTION SYMPOSIUM SERIES (XIIITH SYMPOSIUM ON CHEMISTRY OF NUCLEIC ACID COMPONENTS SPINDLERUV MLYN, CZECH REPUBLIC; SEPTEMBER 03 -09, 2005); [COLLECTION SYMPOSIUM SERIES / INSTITUTE OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY, ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE, (1987), vol. 52, no. 2, ISSN 0010-0765, ISBN 978-80-86241-25-8, pages 425 - 430, XP002162908 [A] 1,2,5-9 * abstract * * table 1, compounds VII-VIII *
Cité dansRecherche internationale
Type:Littérature brevet
N° de publication:JPS6239563  [XA]
 (HOKKO CHEM. IND. CO., LTD.) [X] 5-9 * See claim l ; and page 10, chemical equation (2), examples 2-4. * [A] 1-4, 10-20;
Type:Littérature brevet
N° de publication:KR101586591B  [A]
 (ASAHI KASEI CHEMICALS CORPORATION) [A] 1-20 * See claims 1-4, 9: and chemical formulas (3)-(6), (8). *;
Type:Littérature brevet
N° de publication:JP2012167215  [A]
 (UBE INDUSTRIES LTD.) [A] 1-20 * 06 September 2012 See claim 1. *;
Type:Littérature brevet
N° de publication:JPS63278946  [A]
 (SUMITOMO CHEM. CO., LTD.) [A] 1-20 * See claim 1. *;
Type:Littérature brevet
N° de publication:JPS5293730  [A]
 (NIPPON SHINYAKU CO., LTD.) [A] 1-20 * See the claims; and page 2. *
Cité danspar le demandeur
Type:Littérature brevet
N° de publication:US4397994