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EP Présentation générale: EP3439107

EP3439107 - RÉALISATION D'ENVIRONNEMENTS SANS FIL PROGRAMMABLES PAR DES MÉTASURFACES CONTRÔLÉES PAR LOGICIEL [Cliquez sur ce lien avec le bouton droit de la souris pour le conserver dans vos signets]
StatutLa demande a été rejetée
Statut actualisé le  30.07.2021
Base de données mise à jour au 02.09.2024
PrécédentL'examen est en cours
Statut actualisé le  19.02.2020
PrécédentLa requête en examen a été présentée
Statut actualisé le  19.07.2019
PrécédentLa demande a été publiée
Statut actualisé le  04.01.2019
Dernier événement   Tooltip30.07.2021Rejet de la demandepublié le 01.09.2021  [2021/35]
Demandeur(s)Pour tous les Etats désignés
University Of Cyprus
1 University Avenue
2109 Aglantzia Nicosia / CY
Inventeur(s)01 / PITSILLIDES, Dr. Andreas
8 Michael Karaoli
Dhekelia Road
7060, Livadia, Larnaca / CY
02 / LIASKOS, Dr. Christos
3 Agiou Stylianou
56533, Polihni, Thessaloniki / GR
03 / TSIOLIARIDOU, Dr. Angeliki
3 Agiou Stylianou
56533, Polihni, Thessaloniki / GR
04 / IOANNIDES, Dr. Sotirios
3 Andromachis Street
71414, Gazi, Heraklon / GR
05 / AKYILDIZ, Dr. Ian Fuat
525 St Regis Drive
Alpharetta, GA 30022 / US
Mandataire(s)Röthinger, Rainer
Wuesthoff & Wuesthoff
Patentanwälte und Rechtsanwalt PartG mbB
Schweigerstrasse 2
81541 München / DE
Précédent [2019/06]Röthinger, Rainer
Wuesthoff & Wuesthoff
Patentanwälte PartG mbB
Schweigerstrasse 2
81541 München / DE
Numéro de la demande, date de dépôt18186564.331.07.2018
Numéro de priorité, dateUS201762539831P01.08.2017         Format original publié: US 201762539831 P
Langue de dépôtEN
Langue de la procédureEN
PublicationType: A1 Demande avec rapport de recherche 
Rapport(s) de rechercheRapport (complémentaire) de recherche européenne - envoyé le:EP03.12.2018
ClassificationIPC:H01Q3/46, H01Q15/00, H01Q15/14
H01Q15/148 (EP,US); G02F1/0126 (EP,US); H01Q15/002 (EP,US);
H01Q15/0086 (EP,US); H01Q15/02 (US); H01Q17/007 (US);
H01Q3/46 (EP,US); H02N99/00 (US); H04B7/24 (EP,US);
G02F2202/30 (US); G02F2203/12 (US) (-)
Etats contractants désignésAL,   AT,   BE,   BG,   CH,   CY,   CZ,   DE,   DK,   EE,   ES,   FI,   FR,   GB,   GR,   HR,   HU,   IE,   IS,   IT,   LI,   LT,   LU,   LV,   MC,   MK,   MT,   NL,   NO,   PL,   PT,   RO,   RS,   SE,   SI,   SK,   SM,   TR [2019/34]
Précédent [2019/06]AL,  AT,  BE,  BG,  CH,  CY,  CZ,  DE,  DK,  EE,  ES,  FI,  FR,  GB,  GR,  HR,  HU,  IE,  IS,  IT,  LI,  LT,  LU,  LV,  MC,  MK,  MT,  NL,  NO,  PL,  PT,  RO,  RS,  SE,  SI,  SK,  SM,  TR 
Etats autorisant lextensionBAPas encore payé
MEPas encore payé
État(s) autorisant la validationKHPas encore payé
MAPas encore payé
MDPas encore payé
TNPas encore payé
Procédure dexamen11.07.2019Modification par le demandeur (revendications et/ou déscription)
11.07.2019Requête en examen déposée  [2019/34]
11.07.2019Date à laquelle la division d’examen est devenue compétente
24.02.2020Envoi d'une notification de la division d'examen (délai : M04)
29.04.2020Réponse à une notification de la division dexamen
13.10.2020Annulation de la procédure orale qui était prévue pour 16.02.2021
16.02.2021Date des procédures orales (annulées)
25.03.2021Annulation de la procédure orale qui était prévue pour 06.04.2021
06.04.2021Date des procédures orales (annulées)
19.04.2021Envoi de la notification signalant le rejet de la demande, motif: examen quant au font [2021/35]
29.04.2021Demande rejetée, date d'effet juridique [2021/35]
Taxes payéesTaxe annuelle
07.01.2021Taxe annuelle Année du brevet 03
Surtaxe concernant la taxe annuelle
31.07.202003   M06   Taxe payée le   07.01.2021
Dérogation à la compétence  Tooltip
exclusive de la juridiction
unifiée du brevet
Voir le Registre de la juridiction unifiée du brevet pour les données relatives à la dérogation
La juridiction unifiée du brevet assume l'entière responsabilité de l'exactitude, de l'exhaustivité et de la qualité des données présentées sous le lien fourni.
Citations:Recherche[A]US2011098033  (BRITZ DAVID [US], et al) [A] 1-15 * paragraphs [0041] - [0071] * * figures 3, 4, 5 *;
 [A]US2012326660  (LU MINGYU [US], et al) [A] 1-15 * abstract ** figure 1a *;
 [X]US2015171514  (CHEN PAI-YEN [US], et al) [X] 1-15 * paragraphs [0070] - [0094] * * figures 3-6 * * paragraphs [0168] - [0189] * * figures 23, 24 *;
 [X]US2016233971  (FINK MATHIAS [FR], et al) [X] 1-15 * paragraphs [0096] - [0186] * * paragraph [0198] * * paragraph [0209] * * figures 1-4 *
par le demandeur   - "Trends and challenges in wireless channel modeling for evolving radio access", PAUL FERRAND; MUSTAPHA AMARA; STEFAN VALENTIN; MAXIME GUILLAUD, IEEE Communications Magazine, (20160000), pages 93 - 99
    - "Network function virtualization: Challenges and opportunities for innovations", BO HAN; VIJAY GOPALAKRISHNAN; LUSHENG JI; SEUNGJOON LEE, IEEE Communications Magazine, (20150000), pages 90 - 97
    - YOUNSUN KIM; HYOUNGJU JI; JUHO LEE; YOUNG-HAN NAM; BOON LOONG NG; IOANNIS TZANIDIS; YANG LI; JIANZHONG ZHANG, "Full dimension mimo (FD-MIMO): the next evolution of MIMO in LTE systems", IEEE Wireless Communications, (20140000), doi:doi:10.1109/MWC.2014.6812288, pages 26 - 33, XP011547797

    - SEUNG HOON LEE; MUHAN CHOI; TEUN-TEUN KIM; SEUNGWOO LEE; MING LIU; XIAOBO YIN; HONG KYW CHOI; SEUNG S; LEE; CHOON-GI CHOI, "Switching terahertz waves with gate-controlled active graphene metamaterials", Nature Materials, (20120000), doi:doi:10.1038/nmat3433, pages 936 - 941, XP055341792

    - DAECHEON LIM; DONGJU LEE; SUNGJOON LIM, "Angle- and Polarization-Insensitive Metamaterial Absorber using Via Array", Scientific reports, (20160000), page 39686
    - ALEXANDER E. MINOVICH; ANDREY E. MIROSHNICHENKO; ANTON Y. BYKOV; TATIANA V. MURZINA; DRAGOMIR N. NESHEV; YURI S. KIVSHAR, "Functional and nonlinear optical metasurfaces: Optical metasurfaces", Laser & Photonics Reviews, (20150000), pages 195 - 213, URL:
    - "The VISORSURF project: ''A Hardware Platform for Software-driven Functional Metasurfaces", Horizon 2020 Future Emerging Technologies, (20170000), URL:
    - "Internet of Things: Part 2", CHRISTOS VERIKOUKIS; ROBERTO MINERVA; MOHSEN GUIZANI; SOUMYA KANTI DATTA; YEN-KUANG CHEN; HAUSI A. MULLER, IEEE Communications Magazine, (20170000), pages 114 - 115
    - ALEXANDER Y. ZHU; ARSENIY I. KUZNETSOV; BORIS LUK'YANCHUK; NADER ENGHETA; PATRICE GENEVET, "Traditional and emerging materials for optical metasurfaces", Nanophotonics, (20170000), URL:
    - "Trends and challenges in wireless channel modeling for evolving radio access", P. FERRAND; M. AMARA; S. VALENTIN; M. GUILLAUD, IEEE Communications Magazine, (20160000), vol. 54, pages 93 - 99
    - "The VISORSURF project, ''A Hardware Platform for Software-driven Functional Metasurfaces", Horizon 2020 Future Emerging Technologies, (20170000), URL:
    - C. L. HOLLOWAY; M. G. COTTON; P. MCKENNA, "A model for predicting the power delay profile characteristics inside a room", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, (19990000), vol. 48, no. 4, pages 1110 - 1120, XP011063892
    - M. K. SIMON; M.-S. ALOUINI, Digital communication over fading channels, John Wiley & Sons, (20050000), vol. 95
    - "An Overview of the Theory and Applications of Metasurfaces: The Two-Dimensional Equivalents of Metamaterials", C. L. HOLLOWAY; E. F. KUESTER; J. A. GORDON; J. O'HARA; J. BOOTH; D. R. SMITH, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, (20120000), vol. 54, pages 10 - 35
    - H.-T. CHEN; A. J. TAYLOR; N. YU, "A review of metasurfaces: physics and applications", Reports on progress in physics. Physical Society (Great Britain, (20160000), vol. 79, no. 7, doi:doi:10.1088/0034-4885/79/7/076401, page 076401, XP020305435

    - "Design and Development of Software Defined Metamaterials for Nanonetworks", C. LIASKOS; A. TSIOLIARIDOU; A. PITSILLIDES; I. F. AKYILDIZ; N. KANTARTZIS; A. LALAS; X. DIMITROPOULOS; S. IOANNIDIS; M. KAFESAKI;, IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine, (20150000), vol. 15, pages 12 - 25
    - K. IWASZCZUK; A. C. STRIKWERDA; K. FAN; X. ZHANG; R. D. AVERITT; P. U. JEPSEN, "Flexible metamaterial absorbers for stealth applications at terahertz frequencies", Optics Express, (20120000), vol. 20, no. 1, page 635
    - A. Y. ZHU; A. I. KUZNETSOV; B. LUK'YANCHUK; N. ENGHETA; P. GENEVET, "Traditional and emerging materials for optical metasurfaces", Nanophotonics, vol. 6, no. 2, (20170000), URL: http://www.degruyter.eom/view/j/nanoph.2017.6.issue-2/nanoph 2016-0032/nanoph-2016-0032.xml
    - A. E. MINOVICH; A. E. MIROSHNICHENKO; A. Y. BYKOV; T. V. MURZINA; D. N. NESHEV; Y. S. KIVSHAR, "Functional and nonlinear optical metasurfaces: Optical metasurfaces", Laser & Photonics Reviews, vol. 9, no. 2, (20150000), pages 195 - 213, URL: http: //doi. wi ley. co m/ 10. 1002/l por. 201400402
    - Y. KIM; H. JI; J. LEE; Y.-H. NAM; B. L. NG; I. TZANIDIS; Y. LI; J. ZHANG, "Full dimension mimo (FD-MIMO): the next evolution of MIMO in LTE systems", IEEE Wireless Communications, (20140000), vol. 21, no. 2, doi:doi:10.1109/MWC.2014.6812288, pages 26 - 33, XP011547797

    - J. C. LIN, "Human Exposure to RF, Microwave, and Millimeter-Wave Electromagnetic Radiation [Health Effects", IEEE Microwave Maga- zine, (20160000), vol. 17, no. 6, doi:doi:10.1109/MMM.2016.2538540, pages 32 - 36, XP011611402

    - A. CHORTI; S. M. PERLAZA; Z. HAN; H. V. POOR, "Physical layer security in wireless networks with passive and active eavesdroppers", GLOBECOM 2012 - 2012 IEEE Global Communications Conference, (20120000), doi:doi:10.1109/GLOCOM.2012.6503890, pages 4868 - 4873, XP032375447

    - "Shaping 5G for the Tactile Internet", A. AIJAZ; M. SIMSEK; M. DOHLER; G. FETTWEIS, 5G Mobile Communications, Springer, (20170000), pages 677 - 691
    - Y.B.LI; L.L.LI; B.B.XU; W.WU; R.Y.WU; X.WAN; Q.CHENG; T. J. CUI, "Transmission-Type 2-Bit Programmable Metasurface for Single-Sensor and Single-Frequency Microwave Imaging", Scientific reports, (20160000), vol. 6, page 23731
    - H. TAO; A. C. STRIKWERDA; K. FAN; W. J. PADILLA; X. ZHANG; R. D. AVERITT, "MEMS Based Structurally Tunable Metamaterials at Terahertz Frequencies", Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, (20110000), vol. 32, no. 5, doi:doi:10.1007/s10762-010-9646-8, pages 580 - 595, XP019906673

    - T. BUCKMANN; N. STENGER; M. KADIC; J. KASCHKE; A. FROLICH; T. KEN- NERKNECHT; C. EBERL; M. THIEL; M. WEGENER, "Tailored 3D mechanical metamaterials made by dip-in direct-laser-writing optical lithography", Advanced materials, (20120000), vol. 24, no. 20, doi:doi:10.1002/adma.201200584, pages 2710 - 2714, XP055439406

    - J. JORNET; I. AKYILDIZ, "Joint Energy Harvesting and Communication Analysis for Perpetual Wireless Nanosensor Networks in the Terahertz Band", IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, (20120000), vol. 11, no. 3, doi:doi:10.1109/TNANO.2012.2186313, pages 570 - 580, XP011443353

    - K. KANTELIS; S. AMANATIADIS; C. LIASKOS; N. KANTARTZIS; N. KONOFAOS; P. NICOPOLITIDIS; G. PAPADIMITRIOU, "On the Use of FDTD and Ray- Tracing Schemes in the Nanonetwork Environment", IEEE Communi- cations Letters, (20140000), vol. 18, no. 10, doi:doi:10.1109/LCOMM.2014.2355197, pages 1823 - 1826, XP011560728

    - N. I. ZHELUDEV; E. PLUM, "Reconfigurable nanomechanical photonic metamaterials", Nature nanotechnology, (20160000), vol. 11, no. 1, pages 16 - 22
    - J. D. BAENA; J. BONACHE; F. MARTIN; R. M. SILLERO; F. FALCONE; T. LOPETEGI; M. A. G. LASO; J. GARCIA-GARCIA; I. GIL; M. F. PORTILL, "Equivalent- circuit models for split-ring resonators and complementary split-ring resonators coupled to planar transmission lines", IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques, (20050000), vol. 53, no. 4, doi:doi:10.1109/TMTT.2005.845211, pages 1451 - 1461, XP011130539

    - J. SU; J. LIU; D. B. THOMAS; P. Y. K. CHEUNG, "Neural Network Based Reinforcement Learning Acceleration on FPGA Platforms", ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News, (20170000), vol. 44, no. 4, doi:doi:10.1145/3039902.3039915, pages 68 - 73, XP058309670

    - P. RAWAT; K. D. SINGH; H. CHAOUCHI; J. M. BONNIN, "Wireless sensor networks: a survey on recent developments and potential synergies", The Journal of supercomputing, (20140000), vol. 68, no. 1, pages 1 - 48
    - K. XU; Q. WANG; H. HASSANEIN; G. TAKAHARA, "Optimal wireless sensor networks (WSNs) deployment: minimum cost with lifetime constraint", Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Com- munications, 2005.(WiMob'2005), IEEE International Conference, (20050000), vol. 3, pages 454 - 461, XP010839718
    - S. ABADAL; M. IANNAZZO; M. NEMIROVSKY; A. CABELLOS-APARICIO; H. LEE; E. ALARCON, "On the Area and Energy Scalability of Wireless Network-on-Chip: A Model-Based Benchmarked Design Space Explo- ration", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, (20140000), page 1
    - "Graphene-enabled wireless communication for massive mul- ticore architectures", S. ABADAL; E. ALARCON; A. CABELLOS-APARICIO; M. LEMME; M. NE- MIROVSKY, IEEE Communications Magazine, (20130000), vol. 51, pages 137 - 143
    - S. DEB; A. GANGULY; P. P. PANDE; B. BELZER; D. HEO, "Wireless NoC as Interconnection Backbone for Multicore Chips: Promises and Challenges", IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems, (20120000), vol. 2, no. 2, doi:doi:10.1109/JETCAS.2012.2193835, pages 228 - 239, XP011446359

    - J. LEHTOMAKI; A. BICEN; I. AKYILDIZ, "On the Nanoscale Electrome- chanical Wireless Communication in the VHF Band", IEEE Transactions on Communications, (20140000), page 1
    - F. DRESSLER; F. KARGL, "Towards security in nano-communication: Challenges and opportunities", Nano Communication Networks, (20120000), vol. 3, no. 3, pages 151 - 160
    - C. LIASKOS; A. TSIOLIARIDOU; S. IOANNIDIS; N. KANTARTZIS; A. PIT- SILLIDES, "A Deployable Routing System for Nanonetworks", IEEE ICC'16, (20160000), doi:doi:10.1109/ICC.2016.7511151, pages 1 - 6, XP032922326

    - "Improving network management with soft- ware defined networking", H. KIM; N. FEAMSTER, IEEE Communications Magazine, (20130000), vol. 51, pages 114 - 119
    - C. LIASKOS; V. KOTRONIS; X. DIMITROPOULOS, "A novel framework for modeling and mitigating distributed link flooding attacks", IEEE INFOCOM 2016 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications, pages 1 - 9
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